Field Trip: The Walker School
Kennesaw Mountain Visitors CenterTo sign-up, visit this link:
To sign-up, visit this link:
Did you know that you can play a role in maintaining the trails at Kennesaw Mountain? Every 2nd Saturday of the month, the Kennesaw Mountain Trails Club invites the public to come and help improve Kennesaw Mountain. Each month, the location of the trail work changes. This month, we will be working near the Illinois […]
Join us for our April workday as we prepare to celebrate National Park Week! During this workday, we will be working on the New Salem Church Trail. Did you know that you can play a role in maintaining the trails at Kennesaw Mountain? Every 2nd Saturday of the month, the Kennesaw Mountain Trails Club invites […]
Did you know that you can play a role in maintaining the trails at Kennesaw Mountain? Every 2nd Saturday of the month, the Kennesaw Mountain Trails Club invites the public to come and help improve Kennesaw Mountain. Each month, the location of the trail work changes. This month, we will be working on the 24-Gun […]
The June workday of the Kennesaw Mountain Trail Club celebrates National Trail Day. Every 2nd Saturday of the month, the Kennesaw Mountain Trails Club invites the public to come and help improve Kennesaw Mountain. Each month, the location of the trail work changes. This workday will be on the main mountain trail. To register for […]